1What is CRM
More than just CRM
CRM from Microsoft Dynamics 365 is a smart business application that can help you manage your entire business and achieve better results. When properly integrated, it enables organizations to see business and customer data in one place, share that data across companies, and accelerate business results.
2Why CRM from Microsoft
Useful, productive, and intelligent solutions
The goal of Dynamics 365 is to connect all the necessary business applications used for customer support, business, and fieldwork into one unit. The synergy of these areas significantly increases productivity and speeds up communication between employees and towards the customer.
The differences between ERP and CRM systems are disappearing and expanding with applications that users know and use well daily (Outlook, Excel including advanced analytics, reporting, and the Internet of Things). Everything works in a stable and secure Azure environment. Dynamics 365 significantly reduces the cost of integrating information systems. Companies finally have the opportunity to put the individual parts exactly into the one they need. This makes it easier for them to adapt to the needs of their customers.
3Benefits of Microsoft Dynamics 365
Cloud solution
Dynamics 365 helps companies change the world of business, make work easier and gain an edge over the competition. Using the sophisticated Dynamics 365 solution in the cloud in the form of Software as a Service brings the following benefits:
- Possibility to work on the road and from home
- Quick and easy acquisition
- Easy adaptability of the solution
- Integration with other third-party systems and applications
- Cost savings on acquisition and operation
More than just CRM
CRM from Microsoft Dynamics 365 is a smart business application that can help you manage your entire business and achieve better results. When properly integrated, it enables organizations to see business and customer data in one place, share that data across companies, and accelerate business results.
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